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Teeth Whitening

Everyone can have Sparkling white celebrity-like teeth, thanks to the latest innovations in Dental technology. We use the safest, non-toxic materials available for teeth whitening, which are again screened by our specialists to ensure that we use only the superior best products available, which are comfortable, causing minimal to negligible sensitivity to the teeth bleached and also the surrounding soft tissues.

Not everyone and all areas of the mouth may be suitable for bleaching and hence we give an expert opinion, only after examining our patient’ teeth and gums, if it is safe for them to go ahead with the procedure.

We offer both chairside/in-office bleaching and home-bleaching as well. The number of appointments and the duration of the treatment (10-20 mins approx), will depend on the shade of the teeth and the amount of stains present. Appropriate care must be taken post bleaching by avoiding colored foods like haldi, coffee or colas as these may lead to staining of teeth.