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Orthodontic Treatment

A beautiful smile definitely adds up to one’s confidence. Healthy and esthetically pleasing teeth play a vital role in beautifying a person’s smile. Not everyone is born with a perfect set of teeth to flash. This is where Orthodontics comes into play. It is a process by which an individual’s teeth are aligned esthetically via bio-mechanical forces with the help of wires and appliances. The treatment can vary from a duration of 6 months to 3 years.

Every individual must get an Orthodontist consultation done and take suggestions on the best treatment for them, in terms of expenses and duration of time required. We offer a variety of treatment options, designed to suit each individual. Ranging from metal to Ceramic braces. We offer myo-functional appliances (harnessing growth to correct jaw and teeth position).

We also offer Invisalign braces, which are the latest development in Orthodontic treatment.

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign system is a virtually invisible treatment that uses an innovative approach to gently yet effectively straighten your teeth. Through a series of custom-made removable aligners made with unique SmartForce technology, the Invisalign system gradually and predictably moves your teeth to your desired position.

Advantages of Invisalign:

  • Esthetically acceptable,
  • Shorter Duration of treatment,
  • Removable requires fewer dental visits, more comfortable than other types of orthodontic treatments.