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Periodontal Disease/Periodontal Therapy (Gum Issue Treatment)

Worried about bad breath? Don’t know what to do? Don’t worry, we have you covered. Foul breath, or Halitosis, in technical terms, can have a variety of root causes. Not only Improper brushing habits but even after following a proper tooth cleaning regime, there can be an accumulation of plaque and tartar in some individuals, causing irritation to the gums. This neglect leads to swollen and bleeding gums, in addition to bad breath. If left untreated, over a prolonged period of time, this vicious cycle can result in bone loss around the teeth, ultimately causing loosening of teeth (colloquially called pyorrhea). Hence the periodontal treatment is required.

Periodontium: Also known as gums, these are structures that give stability to the tooth, and offer protection to the root surface by forming a protective cover. Root coverage: Bacterial infection causes gum disease, causing them to recede. These can sometimes be unesthetic, with a sensitivity of the teeth. Root coverage is the solution for these patients having receding gums. In this procedure, exposed root surfaces are cleaned and a small piece of gum from the palate or an artificial membrane is placed in the area and sutured.

What is Flap surgery? Exposing the infected area through the reflection of the gum flap. Cleaning and disinfecting tooth root surface and replacing the bone lost by a surgical procedure using a bone graft. Sutures are placed which results in optimal gum health. We also use Lasers for this procedure.

Guided Tissue Regeneration: Regeneration of lost bone using bone graft and artificial membrane which helps in guiding bone growth. This helps in better stability of tooth and optimal gum health.

  • Bacterial Infection causing gum diseases
  • Improper Brushing Techniques