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Dental Implants

A Dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically placed in the jawbone and serve as the roots of the missing teeth. Implants are safe and act like natural teeth, which will last for as long as you care for them. We specialize in a wide range of options for implants to choose from. Implant can replace a single tooth and also an entire jaw, depending on the requirements and number of missing teeth which need replacement.

At lifetime Dental, we offer a variety of Implants, which include single or multiple teeth replacements. Implants are long-lasting. They are the best alternative to natural teeth. They have the look and feel of natural teeth. Nowadays, with advanced technology and methods, implants take minimal time, as compared to a root canal, which sometimes require multiple sittings. Also, the amount of pain and discomfort is minimal. All procedures are done under proper local anesthetics administration.

At Lifetime Dental, we use the highest quality of Implants (Nobel Biocare active, Bredent Bluesky) (American, Swiss, German made) for our patients. The placement of the implant is done immediately after the extraction of the tooth which is needed to be replaced. If upper back teeth are being replaced, then a sinus lift might be necessary in some cases.

Sometimes, we require a bone graft, to replace the bone and support the implants. In such cases, we either use a synthetic graft, allogenic graft or autologous made from the patient’s own blood. We use PRP (Platelet rich plasma) and PRF (Platelet-rich fibrin membrane). If upper back teeth are being replaced, then a sinus lift might be necessary in some cases. Sinus lift or Augmentation is a procedure to increase the amount of bone necessary to place implants. We do both direct and indirect sinus lifting, whichever is necessary as per the case. All these surgical procedures are done at the first stage. We use Densah burs in soft bone and indirect sinus lifts. Densah burs have reverse movement of the drill, with minimal or no cutting action, causing condensation of the bone. Hence, there is fast healing. Crown placement maybe done immediately or after some time, depending on the case.

In certain cases, when the front tooth is replaced with implants, where esthetics is a concern, or in back teeth, where functional replacement is a necessity, we usually give a temporary crown, until the permanent crown is placed.