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Cosmetic Dentistry

Years of drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes or eating highly pigmented food can eventually take their toll on your teeth, turning them an unattractive shade of yellow or brown. Stained enamel can be bleached by the dentist. We do smile designing, which include bleaching, veneers/laminates, orthodontics and crowns.

Veneers are thin, porcelain or composite resin coverings, that are fixed to the front surface of the tooth using dental cement.

Dental veneers can fix enamel cracks, minor crowding, or excess gaps present in between the teeth. They have the ability to camouflage minor orthodontic changes, once they are applied. In today’s social media world, where everyone is perceived to be perfect and it all starts with a perfect smile. So at lifetime dental clinic, we provide

  • Smile designing
  • Smile makeovers and
  • Smile correction.