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Dental Implants – Best Dental Implant treatment in Bangalore

For years missing teeth have been replaced by methods such as removable dentures and fixed bridges. While they are still being used even today, modern technology has enabled far better options for missing tooth replacement which is dental implants.Here are a few reasons why dental implants stand out when it comes to replacing missing teeth. It’s important to visit the best dental treatment in bangalore specialist to know more!

Why dental implants?

While it is very important to replace missing teeth to prevent changes and collapse of your bite, dental implants are the next best option to replace a missing natural tooth or multiple teeth.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are basically titanium screws that come in different sizes and are fixed into your jaw in position of the missing natural tooth.

How are they better than other fixed teeth options?

Dental implants unlike conventional fixed bridges do not require the teeth besides them to be trimmed. Thus, they are very conservative. Furthermore, they are the only option that also replaces the root portion of the tooth and maintains the jaw bone height.

Is getting an Implant a painful procedure?

While the procedure itself is not painful due to the anaesthesia given, mild post operative discomfort can be anticipated during the initial few days which can be easily managed with medication.

Are dental implants invasive?

No, with the advent of guided implant surgeries, getting an implant has become a minimally invasive procedure and is usually completed in under an hour.

What are the different types of dental implant options?

Dental implants can vary from a single missing tooth replacement to something more extensive like full mouth dental implants, all on 4 dental implants and implant supported dentures.

Why choose best dental clinic in marathahalli for your dental implants?

Lifetime Dental is one of the top rated dental implant clinic in Marathahalli, Bengaluru. We work with all major dental implant companies like Osstem, Nobel and Straumann Dental Implants to provide various affordable dental implants services such as all on 4 dental implants, implant supported dentures and full mouth dental implants.

Visit or call us to know more and schedule an appointment with our Dental Implant Specialist

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