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Conscious Sedation Treatment in Bangalore

Conscious Sedation Treatment In Bangalore

At Lifetime Dental, we have introduced the use of Conscious Sedation Treatment In Bangalore(Sedation Dentistry) to overcome the vicious cycle in our practice. Dental fear and anxiety, leading as they do to avoidance of dental treatment, are the two primary causes of stress during dental procedures. Therefore, individuals experience fear and pain during dental treatments.

Adults or children find visiting a dental clinic nerve racking.


The dentist uses conscious sedation, a safe and effective technique, to manage dental pain and anxiety. It involves the use of nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) as an inhalation anesthetic agent. Nitrous oxide is an effective analgesic/ anxiolytic agent.

Nitrous oxide inhalation helps in for diminution or elimination of pain and anxiety in a conscious patient. During the use of this agent the patient’s response to verbal commands and protective reflexes remain unchanged. It allows the patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures by reducing or relieving anxiety, discomfort or pain.

when used in a dental setting Nitrous oxide inhalation serves any of the following goals.

  1. To reduce or eliminate fear and anxiety
  2. To instill a positive attitude towards dental care
  3. To raise the pain reaction threshold
  4. To decrease patient fatigue and increase the efficiency of the operator/ dentist specially forlong appointments
  5. To help control a vomiting sensation
  6. Minimize the extremes of disruptive behavior.

Our team of trained and experienced dental professionals safely and effectively administer nitrous oxide conscious sedation using our well-equipped resources. Our clinic ambience is calm and serene to allow for the dental procedures to be conducted in a stress free environment.

Conscious sedation can be used as an effective tool in all apprehensive patients for various dental treatments such as extraction, flap surgeries, and implant placements.

We are most commonly using Conscious sedation for long procedure in apprehensive child patients.